11-14-2014, 07:39 PM
Hello , iam going to sell this account since i havent been playing for a while and i wont start playing tibia again. So basically i have a few days of premium left i think and as the title says i have a 132 ek, 81 RP and 80 MS and they have fairly good EQ and skills. 132 ek and 80 ms on Refugia and 81 RP on aurora. i also have a few other characters in level 60 and below all with good skills.
I'd sell this account for a really cheap price which is 30 days of game time on World Of Warcraft.
Just add skype and we can discuss it.
Skype : Jakke567
Kind regards, Jacob
I'd sell this account for a really cheap price which is 30 days of game time on World Of Warcraft.
Just add skype and we can discuss it.
Skype : Jakke567
Kind regards, Jacob