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[EK] Tarantula task PH
Hello guy! I want to share my nexr script its a Task maker on tarantulas in PH
(this is a chaotic script but i tested and works good)

So... Let's start Smile

Tarantulas PH - task
south-east cave with tarantulas (near grizzly adams)
Script start in depo PH
Elite Knight
* lvl: 25
* skills: 70/70
* eq:
[Image: 3bfb88bacb0bcc0dm.jpg]
[tr][th]BP Settings[/th][th]
[Image: cc85e8cad4930fe8m.jpg]
1. It's for stack items and steel helmets
2. It's only for gold
[tr][th]Experience and money[/th][th]
50-55k/h with stamina and 5-7k/h cash
* easy change variables default its 100mp and 30hp / leave cap<20; mp<20; hp<10
* Bot taking 7gp for travel
* after kill 300 tarantulas bot going to NPC and take next task on tarantulas. BOT DOESN'T KILL BOSS
* Script was tested by myself and works good

Enjoy Wink remember write here something Smile and if script is good give me rep \/ Wink

btw. if u found any bug post here and i will fix it fast as i can

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK]Tarantula PH by wedel92.bbot (Size: 11.53 KB / Downloads: 810)
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

4x download any comments? Sad
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

10x and any comments? ;c
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

Nice Thx Bro!
Maybe any comment od screen? 15 downloads and any comments and rep ;c
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

(01-04-2015, 04:45 PM)wedel92 Wrote: Maybe any comment od screen? 15 downloads and any comments and rep ;c

The same problem here... i think this page should explain or maybe obligate that if you want download some script you need comment it...
and explain the importance of the replies, and rep...
The people only click on the script, download and never give thank for the job Angry
buuuuuuuuump 32 download and any comments and screen?....
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

[Image: doxm9x.jpg]

Nice script Wink


You should add time ring to looter :>
54x bump comments pls
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

Good job! Thanks.
Work good i bot here on my noob knight 26-36 9h really goodSmile
Rly tks.. work very well
I will try today Smile and give screen when done Smile
I'm trying HELP You guys, make me favour and press this /\ green button with REP+, this keeping me with helping You.
Worked fine, ty
i will try it, and say u if work well Tongue. i was looking for a tarantula tasker much time.
I dont know how to edit this... "FullCheck (32723 32790 8:Full Deposit Else Cave Code cap<!capMIN!;!hpid!<!hpMIN!;!mpid!<!mpMIN;~Tarantula>300;3031>1999)"

what i need to write there..?
(04-03-2015, 09:13 AM)[email protected] Wrote: I dont know how to edit this... "FullCheck (32723 32790 8:Full Deposit Else Cave Code cap<!capMIN!;!hpid!<!hpMIN!;!mpid!<!mpMIN;~Tarantula>300;3031>1999)"

what i need to write there..?

i dont understand what u want to change? btw all my script all full costumizable so go to Advanced tools and click variables and there u can very easy change all


mpid=268 < id mana potions
mpp=50 < price 1mana potion
mpmax=100 < how many bot must buy potions

hpid=266 < id hp potion
hpp=45 < price
hpmax=30 < how many bot must buy


capMIN=20 < cap to leave
hpMIN=10 < hp pot to leave
mpMIN=20 < mp pot to leave
If i help you please Click ^ to give REP point Smile
if I'll have more rep I'll make better scrips

Great work dude! 5 starsBig Grin
works good. rep Smile
Testing now. Will comment, and rep tomorrow morning mate! Smile

Maybe you should write on TOP of THREAD, that user should take his own food, for example brown mushroom, coz tarantula does not drop any food ;P

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