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Free Scripts + Library Scripts
(03-15-2015, 12:11 PM)Antonio123 Wrote: EK Level 40
Any balanced hunt (no yalahar gate)

I think:

Places : Elfs Yalahar 101% AFK
Start Bank or DP Yalahar

Lvl : 30+
Skills : 50/50 or 60/60
Exp/h : ??
Money/h : ??

Monster: [Image: 55m.gif] [Image: 6nxb.gif] [Image: ocm.gif]

Bot buy 60 MP and 30 HP

Thanks for rep.

Attached Files
.bbot   Elfs Yalahar.bbot (Size: 7.75 KB / Downloads: 229)
Nibelor Crystal Spider (ms , with exori gran vis , exori vis and when have 4 use ue or sd) pleaseeeee
u stole orc script ?wtf
(03-15-2015, 06:11 PM)grzeszczur Wrote: u stole orc script ?wtf

I stole? are you f*****g kidding me? I took this for my old threads


Carlin Leaf Golem
Start DP Carlin

Lvl : 40+
Skills : 60/70+
Exp/h : ??
Money/h : ??

Monster: [Image: Leaf_Golem.gif] [Image: Wilting_Leaf_Golem.gif]

Bot buy 250 [Image: Mana_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif] and 50 [Image: Strong_Health_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif]

Carlin Leaf Golem with Forest Furry
Start DP Carlin

Lvl : 75+
Skills : 70/80 +
Exp/h : ??
Money/h : ??

Monster: [Image: Leaf_Golem.gif] [Image: Wilting_Leaf_Golem.gif] [Image: Forest_Fury.gif]

Bot buy 250 [Image: Mana_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif] and 50 [Image: Strong_Health_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif]


You can change buy mana potion or strong health potion in variables

(03-15-2015, 03:11 PM)hug123 Wrote: Nibelor Crystal Spider (ms , with exori gran vis , exori vis and when have 4 use ue or sd) pleaseeeee

Srry man but at this moment i don't have any sorc

Attached Files
.bbot   Leaf Golems - Carlin[EK] 60+.bbot (Size: 8.22 KB / Downloads: 349)
.bbot   Leaf Golems + Forest Fury - Carlin[EK].bbot (Size: 9.34 KB / Downloads: 269)
ur script orks its only outside..
dont entern to castle
Hi man, i need some scripts for my rp lvl 90 Smile
I need some cashmaking and exp around 100k/h without premmy stamina.
Can u try make scrpit on crystal spiders in Nibelor?
Maybe u have better idea?
(03-15-2015, 07:20 PM)rolka515 Wrote: Hi man, i need some scripts for my rp lvl 90 Smile
I need some cashmaking and exp around 100k/h without premmy stamina.
Can u try make scrpit on crystal spiders in Nibelor?
Maybe u have better idea?

If you have money

Liberty Bay Wyrms 101% AFK
Start in DP LB

Lvl : 90+
Skills : ??
Exp/h : ??
Money/h : ??

Monster: [Image: oy6.gif] [Image: m5l.gif]

[Image: rhxq.jpg]

Buy 200 SMP 60 SHP and 700 Crystalline Arrows


All you can change in variables

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Liberty Bay Wyrm 90+lvl.bbot (Size: 9.76 KB / Downloads: 404)
mhm... what is ur price? Or maybe u can do free script in other place? All scripts on forum for palladin doesnt work. Only quaras on svar, but i have there only 60k/h and 3cc profit per 10 hrs ;/
(03-15-2015, 08:51 PM)rolka515 Wrote: mhm... what is ur price? Or maybe u can do free script in other place? All scripts on forum for palladin doesnt work. Only quaras on svar, but i have there only 60k/h and 3cc profit per 10 hrs ;/

I no have idea where i can do scripts for you :/ maybe replace a few place where you want exp
Nibelor Crystal Spider (ms , with exori gran vis , exori vis and when have 4 use ue or sd) please
Leaf golem <3
rly idk man. I need around 100- 150k/h without premmy and without waste. Any place will be gr8 Smile
(03-16-2015, 01:00 PM)rolka515 Wrote: rly idk man. I need around 100- 150k/h without premmy and without waste. Any place will be gr8 Smile

wOw It's really hard ;D you want great exp without premmy on 90 lvl and you don't want waste eghm it's possible?
100k exp is hard? On rp if u have 90 lvl u can use crystaline arrows, dmg is gret when u have good skills. I said without waste but it will be good when my pall dont have waste, and profit too. U dont teld me ur price for cs on nibelor bro Smile
(03-16-2015, 04:03 PM)rolka515 Wrote: 100k exp is hard? On rp if u have 90 lvl u can use crystaline arrows, dmg is gret when u have good skills. I said without waste but it will be good when my pall dont have waste, and profit too. U dont teld me ur price for cs on nibelor bro Smile

hmm I will try create script on cristal spiders but you must wait
tell me ur price bro Smile
(03-16-2015, 06:32 PM)rolka515 Wrote: tell me ur price bro Smile

Write to me in a private message


Crystal Spiders Nibelor 101% AFK Paladin

Start in DP or Bank Svargrond

Lvl : 90+
Skills : ??
Exp/h : 200k with premium exp
Money/h : ??

Monster: [Image: Ice_Golem.gif] [Image: Crystal_Spider.gif]

Bot buy: 100 [Image: Strong_Health_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif] 250 [Image: Strong_Mana_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif] and 500 [Image: Crystalline_Arrow.gif]

Ps. Please test this script and write to me all the errors!

Attached Files
.bbot   Crystal Spiders Paladin.bbot (Size: 10.16 KB / Downloads: 333)
Killer Caimans work perfect rep+ waiting for more scripts for 120 EK Smile[/align]
Where:Anywhere to get exp
Prof:free account sorcerer.


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