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Free Scripts + Library Scripts
Next challenge bro! Palladin, wyrms on drefia! for level 120-130 Tongue with variables etc. ;p
And be ready for next! Big Grin
(03-22-2015, 01:12 PM)rolka515 Wrote: Next challenge bro! Palladin, wyrms on drefia! for level 120-130 Tongue with variables etc. ;p
And be ready for next! Big Grin
Have you tested dragon darashia script??

(03-22-2015, 12:19 PM)Noboody Wrote:
(03-22-2015, 11:08 AM)danek121 Wrote:
(03-22-2015, 10:03 AM)Noboody Wrote: Need srcipt for paladin Carniphila !
For level?

36 RP

You die on this lvl
i will test on 100 Smile
Earth Elementals Edron

Start Bank Edron

Lvl : MS 33+ ED 42+
Skills : ?
Exp/h : ?

Monster: [Image: Earth_Elemental.gif]

Bot buy 200 [Image: Mana_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif] and 50 [Image: Brown_Mushroom2.gif]
Bot sell [Image: Lump_of_Earth.gif]

Attached Files
.bbot   Earth Elemental Edron.bbot (Size: 10.47 KB / Downloads: 448)
got you any idea for 90ek?
if u wanna money making, take banuta apes -2 from JeshuaStep Smile
i play on chrona, apes will be with 10ppl...
(03-24-2015, 10:12 PM)grzeszczur Wrote: i play on chrona, apes will be with 10ppl...

Killer Caimans Farmine
btw that killer caimans is on refill in edron? If not can u can remake that for me? Smile
(03-25-2015, 06:46 PM)rolka515 Wrote: btw that killer caimans is on refill in edron? If not can u can remake that for me? Smile

No he's refill in Edron, now i don't have knight with 100+lvl
I have refill in edron, paid.
Bro in dl dara he doesnt hunt dls. only dragons ;/
btw, i tested other dls on dara, gr8 exp, 320k/h with prem stamina, but after 2h, someone lured on me 4 dls ;/ not funny, because that player using bot there too. So sad.
(03-27-2015, 04:24 PM)rolka515 Wrote: Bro in dl dara he doesnt hunt dls. only dragons ;/
btw, i tested other dls on dara, gr8 exp, 320k/h with prem stamina, but after 2h, someone lured on me 4 dls ;/ not funny, because that player using bot there too. So sad.

If you want go to -2

Quote:-Go to hunt floor -2-
i Know but he doesnt hunt dls when i change in varliables on 1. only dragons. One circle and he go to dp. He have 350 arrows and 180 potions when he go for refil lol.
(03-28-2015, 09:29 AM)rolka515 Wrote: i Know but he doesnt hunt dls when i change in varliables on 1. only dragons. One circle and he go to dp. He have 350 arrows and 180 potions when he go for refil lol.

It's simple when you use arrows you must remove bolts,spears from fullcheck
Quote:Full Depositer Else Hunt Code cap<=!mincap!; !HP!<=!minHP!; !MP!<=!minMP!; !spid!<=!minRS!; !arrowid!<=!minArrow!; !boltid!<=!minBolt!

Try this
ok now it works fine! Thanks bro, rep + Smile W8ing for more scripts! i can be ur tester, i had ek - 74 lvl, rp - 101 lvl and 25 ed Smile
(03-29-2015, 01:49 PM)rolka515 Wrote: ok now it works fine! Thanks bro, rep + Smile W8ing for more scripts! i can be ur tester, i had ek - 74 lvl, rp - 101 lvl and 25 ed Smile
Can you test Script on Cristal Spider for RP?
Yeah, waste like 60k in one hour Big Grin exp around 200k on premmy stamina Big Grin i will use this after i will wear umbral ;D
(03-30-2015, 07:59 AM)rolka515 Wrote: Yeah, waste like 60k in one hour Big Grin exp around 200k on premmy stamina Big Grin i will use this after i will wear umbral ;D

But exp was good Big Grin
Ok maybe in a few days i create script for Wyrms on Darashia
Rotworms Liberty Bay

Start DP LB

Lvl : 8+
Skills : ?
Exp/h : ?

Monster: [Image: Rotworm.gif] [Image: Centipede.gif] [Image: Carrion_Worm.gif] and other neutral mobs

Bot buy: [Image: Spear.gif](amount change in variables) and 10 [Image: Health_Potion_Nap%C3%B3j.gif]

Attached Files
.bbot   Paladin Rotworm LB.bbot (Size: 9.27 KB / Downloads: 199)

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