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Hey scripters!
Active scripters and in forum, say hello!
Scripters ativos no forum, manda um salve aqui!
What sup?
(08-18-2015, 07:25 PM)erleo Wrote: What sup?

hey erleo!

Bboting alot? Is Bbot being usefull for you?

I just came back from 8 months retirement, testing and editting to 100% afk my old script to low moneymaking(20k-40k daily per mc) with level 1-20 on my PC2. (not entering in details for safety, but I made 26kk in less than one month before I retire)
And on PC1 I'll bot up to 30 accounts to level up, my 10x levels 100+ accounts, and other accounts I'll be leveling up as fast as I can up to level 150, then start moneymaking, not with Bbot, unfortunatelly!
I'm botting blood herb quest , rottin the wood, noodles is gone etc noob char project Big Grin
(08-18-2015, 10:24 PM)damiansnk Wrote: I'm botting blood herb quest , rottin the wood, noodles is gone etc noob char project Big Grin

What are the "etc"? If you can tell me :p

I have 1200(60 accs) chars lvl 8, but they are so old that I have pity on wasting their vouchers being deleted while botting, I'll make other chars to zaoan chess box :p

Can you tell me more about your scripts? BTW, I've seen you around for ages, we even talked in private, can I have your skype?

How often, with how many chars, do you get a hunting horn?
Hello Big Grin

.bbot   [KG] Damselfly ALL cave - 100 percent.bbot (Size: 18.02 KB / Downloads: 64)
Hey Kaique!
I'm not active scripter Sad
Hey hey Smile
That's our job, we just need to have a better manual for the best bot. I might raise some suggestions on wiki improvements later, hehehe
hi... up!Big Grin
Helped?Please click on "Give Reputation to This User"...Thanks.

[Image: rpPc2Sb.png?1]
[Image: Ogu21RI.png?1]

Support Skype:
for hunting horn I using 1 acc only with 20 chars.
for 30 runs 30x20=600 tasks done - 20~ ( killed by pk ) I got 1 hunting horn.
but it's propably my unluck cuz I know some guys who did done task 10-20 times and got horn.
it's depend on luck mate.

rest it's secret cuz I doing it on many servers thoose items ain't easy to sell and if some1 else will be do it on thoose servers I'll loose customers Smile
My botting will be on many servers too :S

Actually, I'll run one script on all non-enforced/non-retro servers(40~ servers)
Other script on 10~ the remaining servers

Can I ask you how much aproximatelly have you been making daily?

Read PM Damian :p
prices are diffrent every day.
on 20 mc 12h/day I'm getting 25-200 tibia coins
all depends of luck and prices in market Big Grin

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