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Bot has very slow reactions
Ive never had any problems with the bot ever, but when i made my new script the bot suddely got slow reaction, there is nothing wrong with my internet nor computer,,
Ive got a 500/100 Mbit line and i computer that i play BF4 on max settings on, there is just something with this script i just made that i cant figure out, the bot takes over 1-2 seconds to heal and ive got it set to 200MS. also ive got distance set to 3 SQM but the bot still runs into the mob and stands beside it for like 1-2 sec before running away, and the bot doesnt realise that the MOB is dead so it uses spells for 1-2 sec after its dead aswell..

Ive attatched the script to the post so someone could, maybe see for themselves why its so slow..

Please help me with this issue! Big Grin


Attached Files
.bbot   Noblor Cave -1 MS.bbot (Size: 6.78 KB / Downloads: 45)
Does it happen only for that script?

I wish I could run BF4 on max Sad What are your PCs specs?
dont know if you understand this its a swedish site, but here my computer.

Its modified with more RAM and i run BF4 on the SSD with 250 GB

And yes its just with this script, ive never had any problems before its just this one, its reallt strange

I think i know what it is,its my attack script

1000 {Exori Vis} Macro.Wait(1000) Self.Mana>=20 Self.Attacking==01 Self.Say(exori vis)

Ive got to set to auto macro in attacker, and automatic in scripts,
When i removed the script all was fine then i added it and it started to lag again, could you help me with a proper Exori Vis script?
(09-28-2015, 05:31 AM)Xudam Wrote: dont know if you understand this its a swedish site, but here my computer.

Its modified with more RAM and i run BF4 on the SSD with 250 GB

And yes its just with this script, ive never had any problems before its just this one, its reallt strange

I think i know what it is,its my attack script

1000 {Exori Vis} Macro.Wait(1000) Self.Mana>=20 Self.Attacking==01 Self.Say(exori vis)

Ive got to set to auto macro in attacker, and automatic in scripts,
When i removed the script all was fine then i added it and it started to lag again, could you help me with a proper Exori Vis script?

Macro.Wait(1000) will stop the entire bot (including Healing) for 1 second.
I think i found the "problem".
[macro]3000 {Drop Empty Flask} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() X1:=1 Y1:=1 VarAdd(X, !X1!) VarSub(Y, !Y1!) Self.Capacity()<=99999 Map.Thrown(283, 10, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) Map.Thrown(284, 10, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) Map.Thrown(285, 10, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) Exit()[/macro]
Self.Capacity()<=99999 <= Problem

Put this:
[macro]3000 {Drop Empty Flask} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() X1:=1 Y1:=1 VarAdd(X, !X1!) VarSub(Y, !Y1!) Self.Capacity()<=50 Map.Thrown(283, 10, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) Map.Thrown(284, 10, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) Map.Thrown(285, 10, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) Exit() [/macro]

And I think what "Exori Vis Macro" dont need Macro.Wait, just put 1000ms. Like this:
[macro]1000 {Exori Vis} Self.Mana>=20 Self.Attacking==01 Self.Say(exori vis) [/macro]
Sorry I edited no wanting (ErLeo)
Bot spams Exori vis and dont heal.
And its not better use the Manage Attack Sequences?

Add this macro:
[macro]0 {Exori Vis} Self.Mana>=20 Self.Attacking==01 Self.Say(exori vis) [/macro]

And in Manage Attack Sequences, Macro and Choose "Exori Vis", and Add => Wait 1000 ms

Like this:
Macro Exori Vis
Wait 1000 ms
It's what Mega said, be careful using some features for purposes they aren't meant to, because sometimes lead to death. Use the attack sequences better >.<
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