Here we'll build huge collection with ready to use Macros and tools helpfull in writing scripts.
Everyone is welcome to help us collect usefull macros.
If you have ready macros post them here or send me in pm.
I'll add them all to 1st post.
Macros thread by Hunger
Request thread with many macros by mr.Kris
[macro]1000 {Mlvl Trainer} Self.Mana%()>=90 Self.Soul()>=5 [utana] Misc.ItemCountEx(3147)>0 Self.Say(adevo grav tera) Exit() {utana} Self.Say(Utana Vid)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Drop Item By Cap} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Cap:=200 ItemID:=283 ItemCount:=100 Self.Capacity()<=!Cap! Map.Thrown(!ItemID!, !ItemCount!, !X!, !Y!, !Z!)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Drop Item by Count in Open BP} ItemID:=3031 dropifmore:=500 dropcount:=100 X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Misc.ItemCountEx(!ItemID!)>=!dropifmore! Map.Thrown(!ItemID!, !dropcount!, !X!, !Y!, !Z!)[/macro]
[macro]2000 {Equip Soft/BootsID By Mana} mana%:=90 idboots:=22086 Self.Mana%()<!mana%! [Onmana%] Self.Inventory.Boots()<>3549 Self.Equip.Boots(6529) Exit {Onmana%} Self.Inventory.Boots()<>!idboots! Self.Equip.Boots(!idboots!)[/macro]
[macro]100 {Vials Collector} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Map.PickUpEx(283, 100, 1, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1) Map.PickUpEx(284, 100, 2, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1) Map.PickUpEx(285, 100, 3, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1) Map.PickUpEx(3031, 100, 4, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Mlvl Trainer} Self.Mana%()>=90 Self.Soul()>=5 [utana] Misc.ItemCountEx(3147)>0 Self.Say(adevo grav tera) Exit() {utana} Self.Say(Utana Vid)[/macro]
[macro]100 {Pause Bot After Dead} !Verify!==0 Self.Health()<=0 BBot.TogglePause()[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Stamina Logout} Self.StaminaMins<842 Cavebot.Stop Self.Logout()[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Change Wand/Rod by LvL} IDrodnow:=3074 IDrodafterlvl:=3075 lvltochange:=13 Self.Level()>=!lvltochange! Self.Inventory.ID(LeftHand)==!IDrodnow! [eq] Self.Equip.LeftHand(!IDrodafterlvl!) Exit() {eq} Exit()[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Life Ring} mana:=96 uneq:=3052 eq:=3089 Self.Mana%()<=!mana! [out] Self.Inventory.Ring()<>!eq! Self.Equip.Ring(!uneq!) Exit() {out} Self.Inventory.Ring()==!eq! Self.UnEquip.Ring(1)[/macro]
[macro]500 {Spell Healer} mananeed:=20 Self.Health%()<50 Self.Mana()>!mananeed! Self.Say(Exura)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Re Use Royal Spears } Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count()<10 Self.Equip.LeftHand(7378)[/macro]
Here set hotkeys heal potion and mana potion/rune
f5 - mana potion use on yourself
f6 - heal potion use on yourself
[macro]1000 {Healer&Mana} Self.Health%()<=80 [manas] Self.Health%()>=60 [hpp] Self.Mana()>=40 [manas] Self.Say(exura ico) Exit() {manas} Self.Mana%<=80 Tibia.SendKey(116) Exit() {hpp} Tibia.SendKey(117) Exit()[/macro]
[macro]0 {NPC Buy} IDItem:=3191 buyamount:=200 NPC.Buy(!IDItem!, !buyamount!, IgnoreCap)[/macro]
[macro]0 {Stamina Logout Check} MinStamina:=900 Self.StaminaMins()<=!MinStamina! [Hunt] CaveBot.GoLabel(Depositer) Exit() {Hunt} CaveBot.GoLabel(Hunt) Exit()[/macro]
[macro]0 {Stamina Logout in Label} MinStamina:=900 Self.StaminaMins()<=!MinStamina! [Continue] Self.Logout() Tibia.Close() Exit() {Continue} CaveBot.GoLabel(Start)[/macro]
Everyone is welcome to help us collect usefull macros.
If you have ready macros post them here or send me in pm.
I'll add them all to 1st post.
Macros thread by Hunger
Request thread with many macros by mr.Kris
[macro]1000 {Mlvl Trainer} Self.Mana%()>=90 Self.Soul()>=5 [utana] Misc.ItemCountEx(3147)>0 Self.Say(adevo grav tera) Exit() {utana} Self.Say(Utana Vid)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Drop Item By Cap} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Cap:=200 ItemID:=283 ItemCount:=100 Self.Capacity()<=!Cap! Map.Thrown(!ItemID!, !ItemCount!, !X!, !Y!, !Z!)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Drop Item by Count in Open BP} ItemID:=3031 dropifmore:=500 dropcount:=100 X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Misc.ItemCountEx(!ItemID!)>=!dropifmore! Map.Thrown(!ItemID!, !dropcount!, !X!, !Y!, !Z!)[/macro]
[macro]2000 {Equip Soft/BootsID By Mana} mana%:=90 idboots:=22086 Self.Mana%()<!mana%! [Onmana%] Self.Inventory.Boots()<>3549 Self.Equip.Boots(6529) Exit {Onmana%} Self.Inventory.Boots()<>!idboots! Self.Equip.Boots(!idboots!)[/macro]
[macro]100 {Vials Collector} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Map.PickUpEx(283, 100, 1, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1) Map.PickUpEx(284, 100, 2, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1) Map.PickUpEx(285, 100, 3, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1) Map.PickUpEx(3031, 100, 4, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 1)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Mlvl Trainer} Self.Mana%()>=90 Self.Soul()>=5 [utana] Misc.ItemCountEx(3147)>0 Self.Say(adevo grav tera) Exit() {utana} Self.Say(Utana Vid)[/macro]
[macro]100 {Pause Bot After Dead} !Verify!==0 Self.Health()<=0 BBot.TogglePause()[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Stamina Logout} Self.StaminaMins<842 Cavebot.Stop Self.Logout()[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Change Wand/Rod by LvL} IDrodnow:=3074 IDrodafterlvl:=3075 lvltochange:=13 Self.Level()>=!lvltochange! Self.Inventory.ID(LeftHand)==!IDrodnow! [eq] Self.Equip.LeftHand(!IDrodafterlvl!) Exit() {eq} Exit()[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Life Ring} mana:=96 uneq:=3052 eq:=3089 Self.Mana%()<=!mana! [out] Self.Inventory.Ring()<>!eq! Self.Equip.Ring(!uneq!) Exit() {out} Self.Inventory.Ring()==!eq! Self.UnEquip.Ring(1)[/macro]
[macro]500 {Spell Healer} mananeed:=20 Self.Health%()<50 Self.Mana()>!mananeed! Self.Say(Exura)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {Re Use Royal Spears } Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count()<10 Self.Equip.LeftHand(7378)[/macro]
Here set hotkeys heal potion and mana potion/rune
f5 - mana potion use on yourself
f6 - heal potion use on yourself
[macro]1000 {Healer&Mana} Self.Health%()<=80 [manas] Self.Health%()>=60 [hpp] Self.Mana()>=40 [manas] Self.Say(exura ico) Exit() {manas} Self.Mana%<=80 Tibia.SendKey(116) Exit() {hpp} Tibia.SendKey(117) Exit()[/macro]
[macro]0 {NPC Buy} IDItem:=3191 buyamount:=200 NPC.Buy(!IDItem!, !buyamount!, IgnoreCap)[/macro]
[macro]0 {Stamina Logout Check} MinStamina:=900 Self.StaminaMins()<=!MinStamina! [Hunt] CaveBot.GoLabel(Depositer) Exit() {Hunt} CaveBot.GoLabel(Hunt) Exit()[/macro]
[macro]0 {Stamina Logout in Label} MinStamina:=900 Self.StaminaMins()<=!MinStamina! [Continue] Self.Logout() Tibia.Close() Exit() {Continue} CaveBot.GoLabel(Start)[/macro]