On My LVL i was hunting with [Demon Helmet,Demon Armor,MasterMind Shield,Softboots/Boh,Zaoan Legs,Wand of Voodo][Is Not Point Take Lightining Set Coz Medusa will attack you more with Terra spells]
Supplies:150 GMP , 750 SD . SMP
Script take from Wyrm StrongManaPotion and use on you around 1500-1700mana (u can change this in ManaTools)
Start:Liberty Bay Depo
Macro:Auto Healer -Is more safe then Healer , Here you can change Your healer
AutoEqiup/DropEnergyRing - Is Good have 2 energy ring in case in your backpack . Bot use Energy ring if will attack you 3 wyrm but if will attack you 2 bot will take out Ring .
Anti Stuck - If bot will don't move after 1 min He will start Cavebot Again
AutoLogout - When you Character will have -14h Stamina Bot will stop Cavebot/Targeting/Looting and he will try logout
Drop GMP/SMP - BOT drop Empty GMP/SMP Vials on the floor
I Hope So you will like my Script if yes PLEASE Rep++ So i will know i done great job and i can start do next one ! Enjoy Botters If you will see some problems with Script just comment and i will help you but i think everything is perfect
Edit: I was Hunting yesterday with this Script on my 95 lvl MS so everything is great but on Medusa i die 2 times ( First die - Bot did 5 round and on last one the Medusa kill me on the combo , Second time after 7 round on the last one Medusa kill me on the combo . I Recomended lvl 115 + MS/ED to Fight with Medusa so after i come back to home from work and i will do Second Script without Medusa , So With Medusa Prefer lvl +115 [] without Medusa lvl +95 . ) . Soo Medusahunt is change . Now if u want to Script going on Medusa Cave you need in Variables change MedusaCave on 1 ( I Prefer 115 + lvl to go MedusaCave ) or if u don't want don't change nothing . I Delete AutoDropGMP and AutoDropSMP from Macro so i just put in Basic Functions Drop Empty Vials . i Hunting on this Script now 3 hours and is everything working . Soo Enjoy guys and thanks for help If u want more Scripts just give me Repp++ .
(03-02-2016, 11:45 AM)erleo Wrote: Dont use potions for hunt or what?
[macro]1000 {AutoDropGMP} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Misc.ItemCountEx(284)>=2 Map.Thrown(284, 50, !X!, !Y!, !Z!)[/macro]
[macro]1000 {AutoDropSMP} X:=Self.X() Y:=Self.Y() Z:=Self.Z() Misc.ItemCountEx(283)>=2 Map.Thrown(283, 50, !X!, !Y!, !Z!)[/macro]
If have 52 GMP or SMP in BP drops 50.
(03-02-2016, 12:14 PM)erleo Wrote: Thanks Kaique I sounded much that id and I thought that it was the potions.
I dont play much RL hehehe
Hahahah, nope. This name of macro it's unsafe (?)
DropGMP lol. I add GreatVial/StrongVial on my scripts.
I explane in Macro position the Script : Drop GMP/SMP - BOT drop Empty GMP/SMP Vials on the floor . Just name is like that but Script don't Drop Great mana Potion or Strong mana potion , just Great Vials and Strong Vials on the floor .
If you use full check label before enter medusa cave and use !medusahunt!<1 refill label keep wyrms else label add label to hunt medusa. In variables put
1-true 0-false
Will be easy to change setting not requied save script in 2 times
(03-02-2016, 03:24 PM)damiansnk Wrote: If you use full check label before enter medusa cave and use !medusahunt!<1 refill label keep wyrms else label add label to hunt medusa. In variables put
1-true 0-false
Will be easy to change setting not requied save script in 2 times
Is good IDEA bro thanks , i will do this tonight around 11-12pm . Thanks . Have nice day bro
03-03-2016, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2016, 10:40 PM by pawelzdybel94.)
(03-03-2016, 06:31 PM)malinka93 Wrote:
(03-03-2016, 05:54 PM)pawelzdybel94 Wrote:
(03-03-2016, 05:27 AM)malinka93 Wrote:
(03-02-2016, 10:43 PM)pawelzdybel94 Wrote:
(03-02-2016, 03:59 PM)malinka93 Wrote: if u add new fixed add new scripts here after rework and i will testing ok?
You Can Test Now this Script , i fix everything . I hunting from 3 hours and everything working nice
how many exp on hours without green ? have 90 ms 60 mlvl
without bonus around 300k + per hour .
So as I let the script is not running on the medusa? Do I have something in veriables change? I wants no medusa.
u don't need to change nothing . You can check in Veriables "MedusaCave" You have to choice 1 or 0 . 0 it's he don't go on MedusaCave , 1 it's he going on MedusaCave so if it's 0 u can easy active cavebot and he will don't go on MedusaCave Someone Testing Script ??! Everything all right ? :>