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Scripts for REP+ Service
I can do some few scripts on request in exchange for REP+!

I have 200lvl to do scripts

MSG Me on this topic what scripts do you need Big Grin

Sorry for my english ;/
Ek need a script to lvl 35 elf yalahar and soldier of Cormaya with 100 % afk to recharge mana and health if you help me I'll give rep
How much MP and HP has buy? Come to depo when CAP it's 30<?
What you need to looter?
just do for him variables ;p
I do depositer but i dont complete Looter. You must edited looter, and variables Smile

Give me REP+!

101% AFK

You must edited Looter and Variables ;]

Download? Give me REP+!


Attached Files
.bbot   [EK] Elfs Camp Yalahar.bbot (Size: 6.31 KB / Downloads: 72)
.bbot   [EK] Dwarfs Cave Cormaya .bbot (Size: 9.57 KB / Downloads: 65)
Hello Doktor

I would like to ask you some scripts, if you dont mind (i'm new at scripting, and my chars are low lvl, so i can't do much thing)

1-Royal Paladin (33---Skill 85) Hunt at cemetery quarter or Cyclops mistrock

2- Elder Druid 52, ml 59-- port hope water elemental (using fishing rod if i'ts possible)

3-Elite Knight (Actually using mutated humans, but i will test your cyclops mistrock script later today) , and i would like to ask you a script for hunt at lvl 60 , i'm away from tibia for a year like, so idk where is the best place to go now, trying to rush fastest i can

If u know any better place than these ones, please tell me so i can choose the best one

Water Elemental by Cadenaz:
For RP i prefer Cyclopolis by Mike10:
For EK use my script on Mistrock ;]
Nice Script Brother ++Rep

I need a script for ek scarabajo lvl 40 -2 in Ankrahmun and yalahar script and Nargor of liberty pirate bay for ek lvl 100 and a script lvl 80 apes all 100 % afk with manas recharge 'll give rep if you help me again
the script that you created elf gets caught in arcanist elf and not climb the ladder please correct or make full script to where the the arcanist and scout elf but without lowering the dragons
Need scrip for paladin 105 for lvl up 100% afk ... balanced!
script for 180-200ms , u can make dragon lords poi venore with ava or sd?
Plx Make me script fot knight facc in carlin rotworms + coryms charlatan you can make this ??

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