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[] Free EK Heliar Hydras
Script is for Spawn of Hydras no. 14 on Heliar map.
Beware of PK, place often occupied.
Use script as example of solid full afk.

[Image: island_heliar.png]

  • Includes Task Reset at Grizzly Adams Very advanced
  • Very advanced attacks macro
  • Sells part of loot to Rashid, Djin and bank (sapphires)
  • Berserk Potion macro (you need to put them in backpacks yourself)
  • Protected from RS
  • Macros customizable in Variables (ROH, Berserk pot, fullchecks)

Start Cavebot in here Heliar Depo+1:

[Image: lKsMhjw.png]

Setup backpacks:

[Image: wDqmoBk.png]

.bbot   EK Hydry Heliar.bbot (Size: 21.92 KB / Downloads: 274)
Will test today
just remember to reduce number of supreme health potions if u don't want to buy them, they're expensive but not necessary

these variables are for Supreme health


you can change it to


but if u decide not to take any, u need change healing settings
Great Script Big Grin Everything works great.

Yea I didn't have level 200 so I changed to buy only 2 and checker to 0 :p
I'm glad someone understands how to use it without much of my explanations ....

(my macros too complex for most)

Remember if u want you can put berserk potions to your BP, and setup it in variables (on/off and shielding)
Fixed missing else7 from {Checkpoint} macro,

if there are any other errors you found pls tell me
widać ze z używasz j polskiego do skryptów
HUD.Print(2, 1, 0, 180, 250, 500, proba exori min)
#zadanie -

dobry skrypt polecam

(its just social msg)

Good script and thx it for free
If it helped give the REP+

If someone is offended SORRY
ye, you can delete hud prints, that info was only for me, always use them when testing things

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