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Corym Port Hope
Corym Port Hope

The scrip was repaired and I had some problems with the depositer and check the full label <----Is a Nice Scrip Now 5h Tested Big Grin

Recommended Level: 85+
Recommended Skill: 80/75
Loot/hour: 5k to 20k+(Depends on EQ and Skill)

Start at Depot; or at cave.
Script never gets stucked

3 Bp's Open... " Main, Item Stack and Gold Coins "

Money maker full

101 % Afk

*Rafzan Seller
*Variables (Customizable script!)

[Edit note: I don't see that features in script that You put in post - Catar]

Attached Files
.bbot   [Ek] Port Hope Corym 80+.bbot (Size: 7.42 KB / Downloads: 106)
I've got couple tips for you, that you should find useful

NPCSay (32632 32737 6:deposit all)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:yes)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:withdraw)
Withdraw (32632 32737 6:268 50 150)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:yes)
Fixed (32632 32737 6)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:withdraw)
Withdraw (32632 32737 6:239 100 30)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:yes)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:withdraw 7)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:yes)
Point (32627 32738 6)
Point (32626 32742 6)
Point (32626 32743 5)
Point (32623 32743 5)
Fixed (32622 32742 5)
Say (32622 32742 5:hi)
NPCSay (32622 32742 5:trade)
Buy (32622 32742 5:268 150)
Fixed (32622 32742 5)
NPCSay (32622 32742 5:trade)
Buy (32622 32742 5:239 30)

You should upgrade your refiller by using variables, it will make it much easier for you to make further scripts.

Instead of putting numbers of ID, quantity and price in withdraws, set up variables for it for example



Then in your cavebot it should look like this

NPCSay (32632 32737 6:withdraw)
Withdraw (32632 32737 6:!ManaID! !ManaP! !ManaQT!)
NPCSay (32632 32737 6:yes)
NPCSay (32622 32742 5:trade)
Buy (32622 32742 5:!ManaID! !ManaQT!)

Same goes to full checks
Would look much better like this:

FullCheck (32643 32831 10:Full Dep Else C1 Code cap<=50;!ManaID!<=!ManaBack!)

Personally, I'm using manual macros instead of FullCheck Labels, because it allows me for more customization.

(u can find it in my signature link below)

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