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Laguna Tortoises by Garst
Laguna Tortoises

Depositer ON CAP<200
Refiler ON 150 MP 20 SHP
Suggested lvl: 50+
Suggested prof: Knight
Attack type: Mele
Monsters: Toad, Tortoise, Tortoise Thornback, and some sh*t
Item seller: Nobe
Profit: 3-4k/h
Exp/h: 25-35k
Reffered equipment: Zao Set, Shield 33+ def, Weapon with 40+ atk and supplies as on refiler(up)
Start: Liberty Bay Depo
Cash in bank for start: 6.1k
Quests required: Access to Meriana and Laguna islands from there:

Attached Files
.bbot   Laguna Tortoises.bbot (Size: 13.96 KB / Downloads: 932)
How do you use the .bbot files? I have only been using the .TXT files Confused
(08-15-2012, 07:35 PM)Makmon Wrote: How do you use the .bbot files? I have only been using the .TXT files Confused

Lol, you have coppy it to configs and then load it from menu in bbot.
Load option is almost on the end of menu
Garst dasz rade to przerobić żeby było tylko na -1 poziom??
"Lepsze wrogiem dobrego..."
Listen mate,

first of all, when the script stay at the turtle, stop and don't move, and say "destination out of range".

And later.. Why u withdraw 50 gp's and later make a depositer.... If u have gold coins in depositer, all the money gonna be deposited, and cannot travel to peg leg again..

Think About it..! Thanks!
When does this bot go B to refill ? and will it deposit all the loot in depot or what?
UHMMMMMMMM, I think I have 2 mistakes..

I don't connected the macro.. and the gold coins it's not depositet! uhm nice..! xDDDDDD

But then only ITEM PROFIT?
it is withdrawing 100 gp, so your platinum coin wont be deposited;p
u almost are not wasting potions there, i am testing it atm but i heard there is good;p
I am buying 100 manas, and 40 small health pots, So if you can make it refill when i have about 40 manas, and 10 health pots, then ill repu you Smile

Edit: Yea well the problem is that im only level 30, with a fire sword, tower shield, knight armor and zaoan legs.. Im using it aswell right now, and its working good, but if you can fix that refill thing it will be awsome for me! Smile So please? =)
o.O lol!!!!!! VERY NICE THINK!!!!!!
pretty well script, but macro (self.move) doesn`t work. What should I do mate?
Fixed, reupdated;]
(08-21-2012, 06:10 AM)garst123 Wrote: Fixed, reupdated;]

Ill test this one now Garst, Hopes it works better then it did before! Wink
(08-21-2012, 06:10 AM)garst123 Wrote: Fixed, reupdated;]

Well done bro!
coś się stało ze scryptem. nie chce rozkopać dziury light shovelem i ogolnie zatrzymuje się w jednym miejscu na -1. Garst jak możesz zrób coś z tym. pozdrawiam
"Lepsze wrogiem dobrego..."
(09-03-2012, 07:26 AM)calak Wrote: coś się stało ze scryptem. nie chce rozkopać dziury light shovelem i ogolnie zatrzymuje się w jednym miejscu na -1. Garst jak możesz zrób coś z tym. pozdrawiam

wez zwykla lopate;p
Troszke popracowalem nad nim i smiga jak ta lala 2 kolka juz zrobil Big Grin rep+
ok a to ma zaznaczone jeszcze na jakims waypoincie zeby shovel uzywal zamiast light shovel? :>
"Lepsze wrogiem dobrego..."
nwm ale mozesz przestawic przeciez.
calak jak nie grasz na refugii to moge Ci podeslac naprawiony i dzialajacy dobrze ten scrypt

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