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Zombie Nightstalkers Yalahar - 101% AFK !
Hello Smile

I want to share my second script, nightstalkers and zombies in cemetery quarter of Yalahar.

Script works flawless, its 100% AFK, i was botting here for >100 hrs without bugs and deaths.
- Access to Yalahar
Level : 80-90+
Skills : 80/75+
Exp : 40-70k/h without bonus
Looting : gold, valuables, creature items.
Refill : 300 mp 20 ghp
Script casts exori when 3+ monsters attack your character

Bp setup:
[Image: d235dce8175b2491.jpg]

pls rep + for more 100% afk scripts.

Attached Files
.bbot   zombie yala by Santi.bbot (Size: 10.61 KB / Downloads: 714)
57 knight 85 sword is good for this exp?
too low lvl, it will be waste imo
[Image: scripts4gamers.jpg]

¡Scripts for Gamers make experiencie for you!

bump ! 20 downloads, no feedback :/
awesome script, thanks !
ill try it when my cashmaker lvl upSmile
I testing it out now and btw what for spell it cast? Smile
Good is if You add to lotter halberd and steel helmet for ground. More cash if u do loot bag. Rep +
i dont have time for making lootbags so bot ignores that items Big Grin
I'm gonna try it tomorrow.

Lo probaré mañana.
Lo he probado, lo único que no me gusta es que solo haga el exterior.. podría hacer las caves no?

Y podrías editarlo para que no vaya a depositar ni nada? solo que botee ahi hasta la muerte vamos xD
i think we should use english, it will be helpful for everyone
(03-08-2013, 05:44 AM)santi Wrote: i think we should use english, it will be helpful for everyone

Yes, but I'm talking to you, do you understand it? Or do you need traslate?
Need I empty bp in depot for loot?
yes ofc
Are some of these monsters dropping food?
will try and give feedback and rep after i tested ti Smile
gets stuck at refilling..

and if i use antistuck macro then it keeps hunting without pots..

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