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Yalahar elfs by ~Twp~
Hello today i want to share my script for yalahar elfs with other bbot users Smile

I started bot here in lvl 26 with 57/50 skills.
Eq mpa, zaoan legs, mms, boh, and zaoan helmet.
I tested the script for like 7 and its 100% safe.
The bot will deposit/reffil when u got 60 cap or less, 15 healt pots or 10 mana pots.
Bot is going to buy 70 mana potions and 30 health potions.
and in dp setup some bps i got 15 put all into eachother Smile

Exp hour is like 16k-20k hour. gold 2k hour if u lucky u can make 10k hour with if u lot a few woce and holy orchid Smile

It wont be smart to bot here night over or 100% afk since ppls can trap u so easy, so hold an eye at u screen for not get trapped and maybe killed by elfs Smile

If u like my script and want more then use u finger and give some REPUTATION Wink

.bbot   Yalahar elfs (By twp).bbot (Size: 7.82 KB / Downloads: 161)
xD lollolololoololololol
[Image: scripts4gamers.jpg]

¡Scripts for Gamers make experiencie for you!

(02-16-2013, 10:50 AM)wekoz Wrote: xD lollolololoololololol

maybe u should get a life
TY Smile
(02-17-2013, 09:07 AM)Zimovsky Wrote: TY Smile
U welcome Smile more scripts will come soon when i find a good place to bot.

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