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[RP]Penisula Tomb [23-30] 100% AFK
[Image: penisulatomb.png]
Znajduje się na zachód od miasta Ankrahmun, na półwyspie. Jest to grobowiec starożytnego faraona nazywanego Omruc. Dążył on ponad wszystko do udoskonalania swej sztuki niewidzialności.
Peninsula Tomb is placed on west from Ankrahmun, on, just like the name said, peninsula. This is Tomb of an Ancient Pharaoh, Omruc. He want's to become an invisible.
Exp 15~25k
Loot 3-4k/h

Bot Loots :
[Image: Ghoul.gif] [/color]
-Ghoul Snack
-Brown POC
-Rotten Piece Of Cloth

[Image: Mummy.gif]
-Yellow POC
-Gauze bandage
-Flask Of Embalming fluid

[Image: Crypt_Shambler.gif]
-Half-Digested piece of meat
-Two handed Sword

[Image: Lion.gif]
-Lion mane
[Image: Skeleton.gif]
-Pelvis Bone
[Image: Scarab.gif]
-Daramanian Mace
-Piece Of Scarab Shell
-Scarab Coin

[Image: Scorpion.gif]
-Scorpion Tail

Refill :
-15 Royal spear
-15 health potions

Wymagany zwykła łopata ! || You must have normal shovel !
Bot farmi tylko wschodnią część, mniejsze straty exp porównywalny. Jeśli ktoś będzie zgłaszał chęci bym poszerzył obszar farmienia, niech odezwie się na PW.|| Bot is farming only on east part of the Tomb, Experience gain is similar and profit much better. If someone want's me to raise area of farming, just write me private message.

A więc, udostępniłem wam mój pierwszy skrypt, bota mam od dwóch dni. Jeśli wam się podoba, to poprosze o repucik Smile. To bardzo motywuje do dalszych prac i pozniejszego udostępniania. || So i've just shared for you, my first script. I have bot just two days. If you like this, please, give me a +, It motivates me to work on next projects and share it for you Smile.


Attached Files
.bbot   Peninsula Tomb 100% AFK RP!.bbot (Size: 12.43 KB / Downloads: 413)
I will test it ^^ After I test it. I´ll add my feedback
Go Go make script its nice Smile i give rep++ i make from 25 to 31 on 1 night Smile

i waiting for hunt with Vampireeesss! i need dust's
Thank you guys, but i have now 29 lvl on my pally. So i'll post next script when i make one ;D. Any propositions, requests ?
(02-26-2013, 05:35 PM)Muszkamtt Wrote: Go Go make script its nice Smile i give rep++ i make from 25 to 31 on 1 night Smile

i waiting for hunt with Vampireeesss! i need dust's

from 25 to 31 on 1 night? only 6 levels? how much exp/h u have?
Idk how much cuz 2 botter with me on resp Smile
@Yesterday i've reached 32k with bonus stamina With my pally 72/60 29 lv.
awesome scrip rep Smile go on im playing rp but nobody making scripts. Smile

Zajenisty skrypt, wszystko pięknie opisane. 10/10 !!! Liczę na wiecej Smile zaczolem gre od nowa rpkiem na innym servie. a tu skryptow na low lvle brak Smile Wielkie dzięki!
So i have a problem, bot doesn't refill he goes back etc. but dont buy items so i think the problem is in the minimum cap in variables there is 1100 minimum cap and i think thats the reson why he dont refill and here is the question how to change the variables when its not customizable. i tried in note but cant find the place of it plz help Sad(((

Rep for help Smile

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