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BBot 12.1
everything is fine, there is only problem with backpacks, in my case 2nd backpack is being often closed and in result my botchar is not looting;/
Some Problems remain Mega, like WPT after a while the WPT stop, it go to the Hunt point, and them Stop =/, sometimes is the same with the depositer, when he reach Depot, down an stair and them Stop, but only the WPT stop the healing and the other things still work, and i have to Reactive the WPT, no Reload the script just click en Active twice to active. You Dont have some macro, like after no move at all reactive de WPT? do you?. And something else, after 2 days testing, none Error file on the Bbot folder, i dont undestand Why. Veryfic that too. With some chars, when they go back to the cave the have to down a stair, sometimes they down stairs, but someothers not, and the thing is that is not allways the same char. Sometimes the char that couldent down stair before it down, but them another char doesnt down. T_T
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
Some scripts doesn't work well, it stucks and log out from time to time. It's still not perfect.
yea bp is being very often closed
And Try Icon still without show up when load script, and it seems that the mapa recognize still bugged
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
To display the tray icon, only unmark and mark again the option.

Mega i have found a little bug when i use a map tool at yalahar mechanical gate the bot doesnt go to the next point.

Thats all i have found xD
The only fail that I can see is when you are walking in cavebot, when monster that you selected like Avoid, or ignore, the character stopped a lot of time waiting for creatures leaves your in front. The same with Characters.

Please fix it Tongue
All okay Tongue thanks Deark Mmega
please fix it!
I pass a teleport or mechanism is no longer stops the way
For me that version works pretty fine now :=)
the only bug i can see is the loot function, if my char kill more than 3 monsters at the same time he open it randomly often just 2 corsps.

im using:
-drop vials
-healing tools
-killer, cavebot, looter
-Icon [hide functions] Smile

Good Job
Thank's again
Pce greetings .one of thousend. Cool

Ps. Statistics could be better, as i have seen at other bot's ;p
Shy The secret of power is to know that others are more cowardly than you Rolleyes
mega the problem is fixed point =)
when I use mc one stops working BBot say it again for you to have in mind the hassle apology
bad looter bad chasing monsters, bad bot. please fix it PLEASE
Mega has us in the ass once just write a comment and smack us.

Here you have some errors -. -

Hahah version 12.1 : Apr 20 2013, 13:38:25 CEST Died at Level 47 by a crypt shambler.

On version 11 i tested scrypt full afk like 20h and 0 dieds on 12.1 only one time i die /

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................ Kliknij TU i zobacz jak CZESIO daje repucika ...............
Pomoglem Daj REPUTA
we need the boot for tomorrow, or we lose the chance to lvl with double exp :S please fix it

talk about the progress mega please
i like the new version works fine, like the version of 2 months ago.
you should add an option for the Drop vials: for randomly OR 1 by 1. some times i need to drop them 1 by 1 because of the low cap. The char rans out of cap and doesnt loot because of the 40+ flasks in the bp.

wesome job btw. keep the dice rolling
YOU GUY4S ARE FOOOOLS if wanne bot perfect
Go and make a new script! The bot works perfect......

Fixed waipoints works
Drop emty vails works
Looter works
Cavehunting/healer works.
open doors perfect!
open holes perfect!
its all perfect. you dumb fucks....
so good job mega good job!
For me EVERYTHING works perfect.
1.bp are closing
2. tibia is just shut down just like that idk why my windows just show me "send/don't send message to microsoft" and just shut down tibia. I never had that nthing changed im my computer so that must be problems about bot. cuz while im botting on old bbot version on ots that works fine...
3. he get stuck just stop bot no moving anywhere....
4. bbot icon doesnt work i mean for example if i load script and got it already i have to disable and enable only than will be show on computer.
for a while that's all my complains all at all it takes you month to get bot back and its still wrong... in this month i could get some kk's... the most people are just paying of those cash to this bot and this is still wrong. I know u took free points but that's still botting is useless with that bugs.

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