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BBot 13.0
i get three of this files when i try to load an script

.txt   E20130424233610.txt (Size: 2.56 KB / Downloads: 57)

.txt   E20130424234250.txt (Size: 2.56 KB / Downloads: 59)

.txt   E20130424234714.txt (Size: 2.56 KB / Downloads: 58)

Check it plx mega, and its still stock fixed also please Big Grin Heart
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
NOOO There is an Update for previeuw servers.
stamina knight can reffil now but my druid oh nooo :'(
go mega go we love u! ^^
New Version Of Tibia Has Been Released Out Great Mega

Go Go U Can Do It Smile
for prieview too ofc !
This account has been banished from Tibia because of repeated lesser rule violations or a single very severe rule violation. The account will be deleted.

Reason: using unofficial software to play
Comment: Automatically detected

All acc...
I got ban too guys, beware.
This account has been banished from Tibia because of repeated lesser rule violations or a single very severe rule violation. The account will be deleted.
ON ALL 7 ACC! in ONE TIME! i using only BBot. Beware.
[Image: 0_0_823577059_Wiosna_przyszla_przez_xawery_middle.gif]
Maybe multi client
RP Mutated Humans 35 lvl Depositer, Refiler, Bankier

EK Darc Cathedral 40 lvl Depositer, Bankier
Funny thing is I use bbot for a loong time now... Both my main accs are still there and still botting...
Fuck, i got banned at 5 accounts in 1 day - 100ek/80ek/55rp and some noob chars.. worst bot ever
HAHAH IM BANNED TOO !! use this only by 3-4 days hahahah
been using this for two weeks, and none of my accounts are banned. I usualy bot with 3 facc money makers at the same time with the MC.
(04-25-2013, 11:04 AM)Fin Wrote: This account has been banished from Tibia because of repeated lesser rule violations or a single very severe rule violation. The account will be deleted.

Reason: using unofficial software to play
Comment: Automatically detected

All acc...

The same happened to me :\
This account has been banished from Tibia because of repeated lesser rule violations or a single very severe rule violation. The account will be deleted.

Same to me, thanks Bbot for your security.

Really upset to this.. Don't buy bbot its unsecure and you get banned!
program is detectable. my 100 knigth and 130 ed was destroyed. If it helps I can send scripts which probably was detected. Knight rather not detected. I think the only druid
INdeed Multie client they can catch you on that same ip's....
im botting my account from Tibia Bot NG I have bought almost all the bots exept elfbot.
i used neo and now i using this. no warnings no bans nothing.
only when gmm's where in the game the fucked me somthimes but hey ALERTS FTW Smile
So guy's If you dont wanto get banned Stop Multie clienting. Cuz they alway's can track you'r Ip
cuz you make a connect to the game.... but everybody know's that ^^
(04-25-2013, 02:52 PM)Matn Wrote: INdeed Multie client they can catch you on that same ip's....
im botting my account from Tibia Bot NG I have bought almost all the bots exept elfbot.
i used neo and now i using this. no warnings no bans nothing.
only when gmm's where in the game the fucked me somthimes but hey ALERTS FTW Smile
So guy's If you dont wanto get banned Stop Multie clienting. Cuz they alway's can track you'r Ip
cuz you make a connect to the game.... but everybody know's that ^^

You should be get an SD shot in your head in Real LIFE i hate noob who lie Wink
some years ago GM's has been removed noob
This account has been banished from Tibia because of repeated lesser rule violations or a single very severe rule violation. The account will be deleted.

and i use bot only 1/2h a day and not every day and never afk Smile
guys if u write shity thinks like bannishment's,
MC used..?
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Shy The secret of power is to know that others are more cowardly than you Rolleyes
(04-25-2013, 03:51 PM)RoyalKnight Wrote: guys if u write shity thinks like bannishment's,
MC used..?
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This doesn't matter. 91 knight with PACC/Askara. Dont used mc. Just this BBot is so poor. Don't use it, serius...

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