Level: 30+
Skills: 55/50
Bank/Depo/Seller: 0>200 cap to kazordoon(need ticket)
Refiler: Don't need
Exp: 10-20k/h
Gold: 2-4k/h + creature products and life rings
Suplies: You need some food and some potions for your own save(before pk or bad skills/weapon)
Eq: plate set,weapon 30+atk
Tested on:
-38 kinight skills 55/50, plate set and wyvern fang
-40-50 knight skills 60/60 plate set and dragon hammer/dragonbone staff <--- earn there 1kk
![[Image: 244.png]](http://www.image-share.com/upload/2169/244.png)
M- main bp(creature products)
Gp- gp bp(with 2-3 bp inside)
IT-item bp- (viking helmets,scale armor-1 bp inside if u have high lvl)
With any problems msg in this post
If Script is good, give reput!
Level: 30+
Skills: 55/50
Bank/Depo: 0>200 cap to kazordoon(potrzebny ticket)
Refiler: Nie potrzebny
Exp: 10-20k/h
Gold: 2-4k/h + creature products i life ringi
Suplies: Potrzebujesz jedzenia i pare potek w przypadku pk albo slabych skill/broni
Eq: plate set,weapon 30+atk
Testowane na:
-38 kinight skille 55/50, plate set i wyvern fang
-40-50 knight skills 60/60 plate set i dragon hammer/dragonbone staff <--- zarobił tam 1kk dla mnie
![[Image: 244.png]](http://www.image-share.com/upload/2169/244.png)
M- Główny bp(na creature produkty)
Gp- gp bp(kilka w srodku)
IT-item bp (viking helmets,scale armor- bp do srodka jak masz duzy lvl)
W razie problemów piszcie w tym temacie
Jeżeli skrypt dziala dajcie reputa!
Skills: 55/50
Bank/Depo/Seller: 0>200 cap to kazordoon(need ticket)
Refiler: Don't need
Exp: 10-20k/h
Gold: 2-4k/h + creature products and life rings
Suplies: You need some food and some potions for your own save(before pk or bad skills/weapon)
Eq: plate set,weapon 30+atk
Tested on:
-38 kinight skills 55/50, plate set and wyvern fang
-40-50 knight skills 60/60 plate set and dragon hammer/dragonbone staff <--- earn there 1kk
![[Image: 244.png]](http://www.image-share.com/upload/2169/244.png)
M- main bp(creature products)
Gp- gp bp(with 2-3 bp inside)
IT-item bp- (viking helmets,scale armor-1 bp inside if u have high lvl)
With any problems msg in this post
If Script is good, give reput!
Level: 30+
Skills: 55/50
Bank/Depo: 0>200 cap to kazordoon(potrzebny ticket)
Refiler: Nie potrzebny
Exp: 10-20k/h
Gold: 2-4k/h + creature products i life ringi
Suplies: Potrzebujesz jedzenia i pare potek w przypadku pk albo slabych skill/broni
Eq: plate set,weapon 30+atk
Testowane na:
-38 kinight skille 55/50, plate set i wyvern fang
-40-50 knight skills 60/60 plate set i dragon hammer/dragonbone staff <--- zarobił tam 1kk dla mnie
![[Image: 244.png]](http://www.image-share.com/upload/2169/244.png)
M- Główny bp(na creature produkty)
Gp- gp bp(kilka w srodku)
IT-item bp (viking helmets,scale armor- bp do srodka jak masz duzy lvl)
W razie problemów piszcie w tym temacie
Jeżeli skrypt dziala dajcie reputa!