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If someone need Scripts or Macros
(01-04-2014, 12:11 AM)Lylu Wrote: Hello maybe u wanna create for me script for my ED 40 lvl example for :
-Mutated Humans +1 on Yalahar full afk ofc xD (i have acces to gate Big Grin)
-Penisula Tomb (spell version/can be avalanche if more then 3 monsters) after scarab coin teleport (-3) also full afk
(this tomb location is south-west ankrahmun
If u gonna do it u gonna be AWENSOME ! Big Grin
and ofc i'll give u Reputation Smile
Thanks !

i have this script.. in tarpit tomb. (oil tomb) have vamps and bone beasts 60~75k hr

Attached Files
.bbot   (ED-MS)TarpitTomb_Ank_thiaguiN.bbot (Size: 10.69 KB / Downloads: 57)
this macro work good but dont get out energy ring, why?¿
1000 {Energy Ring} Self.Health%()<=40 Self.Equip.Ring(3051) Exit() Self.Health%()>=80
I need yalahar cemetery ghouls etc for pally ghouls skieletons for 8-25 and mummy etc 25-50 Smile for help i give reput ! Smile
Need macro to use exori min (but before stand in right position) + if coldown (6sec) use exori
BBot can use 2 types of potions... I have 80+ kina and rly want to take care of is... i hade strong healths from 75%hp greats 50+=& gp but i also want to have health potion, the normal one for lets say 82%...
Plz remember i am not pro so besides macro would anyone give me brief intro how to put it? I am pl so u can translate it in Polish language Smile

macro put 1 stealth ring when you have 2 cyclops smith on the screen and when you get the stealth one and put the crystal ring

script ms 33 refiler soft boots?

script Ek 80 Skil 85/78 Refiler Poots and soft boots 100%afk?
Hi i need macro for auto follow character. i need that for using mc
Could you help me with macro? I want to rotate my character when somebody stand in dp next to me. Reps! Like dice bot
how can i make a macro or a waypoints configuration to use utani hur in certain area...

Let's say I will Hunt Brimstone Bugs, and I want to Go as Fast as posible from the Teleports to the cave

so I will put a NO kill point starting from the teleports and ending in the Brimstone bugs cave..

Between those too points i want to use utani hur, or utani tempo hur, how can i achieve it?


AS3D Always Free Scripts!
I'd like to know if its possible to create macros for healing, for example.
I'd like to create a macro that does this:
When player health is between 55% and 70% (randomly), start using exura ico until health reaches 80%+, or sometimes just use exura ico when health less than 75%. All of this randomly.
I think this is much less undetectable than healing always when health goes lower than x%.
I think it can be something like this:
{Smart Healer}
Misc.Random(0, 10)>=5 [next]
Self.Say(exura ico)
Self.Say(exura ico)
Self.Say(exura ico)
Self.Say(exura ico)
Self.Say(exura ico)
Will something like this work? I'm not sure about this, but maybe yes.
Thank you for all
guys i was traguys , i'm travelling , sorry for delay , give me max 2 weeks and i can help all. sry.
need macro for drop to floor empty potion flasks!!! thanks!
ue if 5x monster can somone help?
macro for pally to loot from monsters royal spears and equip it but only carry 30 royals no more and when 29 if a monster loots 1 so take it and put it on hand. thx.
boh when soft boots uncharged? from main bp
I need a Macro when i hunt, and my status gets battle, he equip the soft boots. Else, he uses de Boots of Haste!
i need macro to cast "exori min flam" to all selected target until it is killed, help please
(10-25-2013, 01:49 PM)Thiaguin- Wrote: If Someone need Scripts os Macros pls post here.. and i will try to help you.. Smile

need that, after ss, use spellwand to summon mad sheep, and stop using it when there is one mad sheep on the screen
Could you make a script for PACC moneymaking EK 120+ in INSIDE Orc Fortress? Wink
Why i need for 120+ EK is that i know some monsters can bring down much of ur hp.. And also for more profit.. As i Said, 120+ EK. Need refiller,depositer.. And ofc make it loot old and used backpack! Thats why i need that script.. If you dont want to make it for me or if u want money for it.. Ill have to learn scripting myself.. Thanks ^^

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