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How to kill BBotters... & possible solution ideas
Unfortunately there is a really easy way to kill BBotters, on the screenshot below I am showing how it is done. (I am the guy with green shirt, the other one is someone else who has similar problem)

[Image: X2yNb.jpg]

I tried both options and none of them worked.
  • Auto Chase
  • No Auto Chase, Keep Distance 0 and 1 sqms

There are some trashes on the boxes so Destroy Furniture Macro cannot do anything.
Now, if more Swamp Trolls come, my character will keep on trying to kill the one trapped, and the rest will kill me after some time and if not, my char will stay there until next server save or my intervention.

Currently there is only one option to avoid such problems: Self-Defense Attack, but it kills very low amount of trolls because these are really slow and my character will just go away from them before they manage to attack me. Additionaly it won't attack these which have red HP and are in "retreat-mode".

I tried to create some kind of a macro that stops Killer for a few seconds in case of being stucked, but I cannot make it work.
Tried many of options, some examples:
1000 {KillerPause} Misc.StandTime>=40 Killer.Stop Macro.Wait(5000) Killer.Start
20000 {KillerPause} Misc.StandTime>=40 Killer.Stop Macro.Wait(5000) Killer.Start Macro.Wait(10000)
1000 {KillerPause} Misc.StandTime>=40000 Killer.Stop Macro.Wait(5000) Killer.Start
20000 {KillerPause} Misc.StandTime>=40000 Killer.Stop Macro.Wait(5000) Killer.Start Macro.Wait(10000)

Both macros stop Killer for less than a second... no idea why.

Do anyone of you have a working solution for this issue?

Possible solutions:
  • Add Ignore Target function
    For example: Ignore target after X seconds. - it would ignore it by stopping attacking it and going back to cavebotting.

  • Add Keep Distance 0 sqms
    It would stick to the target (useful with all creatures that run away and especially Dragon Lords which use Firebombs so Auto-Chase cannot follow them)

  • Change Killer's Priority to attack creatures that are closer to your character in the first order and then creatures that are away from it.
    As an example I'll use the screenshot above - by such priority change, my character would attack any new Swamp Troll that comes to me and then, after killing the one that just came, it would keep trying to kill the one that is attacking me from a longer distance.

I think its something worth considering, for better BBot!

Messages In This Thread
How to kill BBotters... & possible solution ideas - by nizlov - 06-17-2012, 06:08 PM

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