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latoz [EK][MS][RP] project ! powered by Thiaguin-
free respawn ftw
[Image: 6HOWY5n.jpg]
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
double exp / skill ? :>
congratulations Smile
(11-10-2013, 11:25 PM)sereczek Wrote: double exp / skill ? :>
congratulations Smile
ty, yea doble exp till january

nub paladin rollin
[Image: kza7QY9.jpg]
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
Can you share your script Tarantulas?
what skill on paladin ? Smile
#67 tarantula script here by prezes


98 dist with items

whyyyyyyyy :'( stupid mana drain
[Image: xW5OEi1.jpg]
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
ur world dont finished lightbearer ? Sad
(11-11-2013, 08:03 PM)sereczek Wrote: ur world dont finished lightbearer ? Sad

something bugged and we were unable to finish lightbearer lulz :c

all characters resting stamina so its time to chill in vindictus :d
[Image: r5IVmYh.jpg]
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
(11-11-2013, 09:55 PM)latozpepe Wrote:
(11-11-2013, 08:03 PM)sereczek Wrote: ur world dont finished lightbearer ? Sad

something bugged and we were unable to finish lightbearer lulz :c

all characters resting stamina so its time to chill in vindictus :d
[Image: r5IVmYh.jpg]

Oh i havent stamina too xd 87 off hours to full
.. ;( so why on guardia the basins still giving a light and there is no bug ? Maybe cipsoft do something with that problem xd

OMG what is this on the picture ? XD
Haha, same on our world.. I guess you play Olympa? :p
Can you share your script Water Elemental? Smile

nah, nerana but its fixed now

scpr in my attachment, its made by thiaguin so props to him and edited a bit by me

CURSE IS GONE TIME TO EGZP, however bbot messing with screeenshots Sad.
It took ss when i had 30% to go

[Image: T2w07PG.jpg]

and knight, 38h stamina left to burn !
[Image: 4XIsyDc.jpg]

Attached Files
.bbot   (MS-ED)WaterElemental_PH_thiaguiN-.bbot (Size: 8.58 KB / Downloads: 107)
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
about missing screenshots check this macro bro:

900 {Auto Screenshot} !level!==0 [else] level:=Self.Level() Exit() {else} Self.Level()>!level! Tibia.Screenshot() level:=Self.Level() HUD.Display(Congrulations!)

It's made by Kimoszin, and for me it's working. In X "Self.Level(X)" write your current level -1 so if you have 150, write there 149. (in 3x Self.Level do it)
ty bro but im too lazy to change macro every new level Big Grin

well a lot of advences tonight (mlvl,axe and few lvls) so ill just update my status
[Image: 6bVhBXz.jpg]

sorc rollling on now but 192 ms on my water elemental spot o0 the heck

Btw guys im thinking about abandoning my paladin since hes kinda useless for me, and creating character on pvp world. Well i heard pvp sucks now (last time i seriously played and participated in wars were tibia 8.4 times) but want to try it on my own. Mby you guys can recommend me a euro pvp world without many abuses and perspective of nice wars later on. I lost my track about situation around cuz all my friends are inactive Sad. Mby some1 even want to team up for some killing ?
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
Antica is good world Smile
(11-13-2013, 04:30 PM)latozpepe Wrote: @sereczek
ty bro but im too lazy to change macro every new level Big Grin

well a lot of advences tonight (mlvl,axe and few lvls) so ill just update my status
[Image: 6bVhBXz.jpg]

sorc rollling on now but 192 ms on my water elemental spot o0 the heck

Btw guys im thinking about abandoning my paladin since hes kinda useless for me, and creating character on pvp world. Well i heard pvp sucks now (last time i seriously played and participated in wars were tibia 8.4 times) but want to try it on my own. Mby you guys can recommend me a euro pvp world without many abuses and perspective of nice wars later on. I lost my track about situation around cuz all my friends are inactive Sad. Mby some1 even want to team up for some killing ?

Play hardcore pvp, seriously, I'm playing dolera now and it's lots of fun
ill consider it

9 more
[Image: o6PSXYw.jpg]
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”
@latozpepe I got a level 121 EK, 96/92. Good eq for the level.. Where should i bot for profit and good exp?! xD
If you say any place.. I want you to send a script to Wink
(11-15-2013, 10:47 PM)Elmgren1337 Wrote: @latozpepe I got a level 121 EK, 96/92. Good eq for the level.. Where should i bot for profit and good exp?! xD
If you say any place.. I want you to send a script to Wink

Mby killer kaimans up to 130 and then sea serpents would be my guess.
There are plenty of scipts here on forum for those 2 locations.
Personally i hunted coryms to 130 for money Tongue
“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”

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