Cuz i was first person whos find that place at Quilia, and when my noob knight get deleted, i upload my script, than tons os ppl. from quilia started using my script. :3 Also remember : always change temple from city where you will botting. Farmine or Yalahar are the best way to live, because after dead your character can't even leave temple. : p
(01-17-2015, 07:25 PM)Toszek Quenn Wrote: Cuz i was first person whos find that place at Quilia, and when my noob knight get deleted, i upload my script, than tons os ppl. from quilia started using my script. :3 Also remember : always change temple from city where you will botting. Farmine or Yalahar are the best way to live, because after dead your character can't even leave temple. : p
Yep, i played at Quilia and when find that placem i just upload it for free. It was big mistake, because my 60+ cash maker instead of exp alone with 12k/h+ profit started get 7-9k/h cuz 5-6ppl. using my own script with same wpt. ;D