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Free RP scripts
Hello, i'm Garuh, and this is my thread of RP Script's!

[Image: 856_paladin_changes.jpg]

Backpack & Depot rules
[Image: backapck_zpsyixb0tql.png]


[td]Dwarf Guards[/td]

[td]Port Hope[/td]

[td]Port Hope[/td]
[td]Ice Golems[/td]
[td]Quaras Scouts[/td]

If you have sugestions, tell me in the comments.
If u like my work give me some rep+, is the best thanks you might give me.
If the people likes my post i try make more scripts!!

[td]This place is perfect to train one RP & small profit, the script pick up small stones to train, when the cap/pots are low go back to deposit. when the stones are low or not have, auto equip one sword (need configure ID). Not go for the big mountain because one cyclop are there & the people can lure.[/td]


[td]Port Hope[/td]
[td]Make tarantulas task & kill the Hide, the script withdraw supplies (brown mushrooms & 2 stealth rings), with this supplies can make a nice profit with tarantulas (without Hide loot) & Exp.[/td]

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Ab'dendriel - Goblins {Stones training, 8+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 9.92 KB / Downloads: 499)
.bbot   [RP] Port Hope - Tarantulas {Task&Hide, 30+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 14.84 KB / Downloads: 627)

[td]This script withdraw supplies (25 brown mushrooms & 2 stealth rings), with this supplies can make a nice profit with minotaurs & Exp. this place is PERFECT to make minotaur task.[/td]

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Yalahar - Minotaurs {30+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 8.89 KB / Downloads: 426)

[td]This script is perfect to make 3 task in 1 (Mammoth, Badger & Stone Golems), nice profit but low exp.[/td]

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Svargrond - Mammoths {35+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 13.26 KB / Downloads: 381)

[td]This script is perfect to make the wyvern task, the script check the task (wyvern~>300) & go to port hope to complete the task & take the same and back.[/td]

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Edron - Wyverns {50+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 12.76 KB / Downloads: 417)
do you have Carniphila task script for palladin .. ?
(03-22-2015, 10:02 AM)Noboody Wrote: do you have Carniphila task script for palladin .. ?

Right know i'm making ice golem task, but,i can make it, to night add carphilia Big Grin
(03-22-2015, 05:00 PM)Garuh Wrote:
(03-22-2015, 10:02 AM)Noboody Wrote: do you have Carniphila task script for palladin .. ?

Right know i'm making ice golem task, but,i can make it, to night add carphilia Big Grin

i will waitSmile ice golem nice too

[td]Port Hope[/td]
[td]This script is to make the Carphilia Task, the laboratory is so dangerous, for that danger try to have good set, skills & 45+, the task can make in 10 hours max. the script go to the cave, report the mission & kill the boss.

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Port Hope - Carniphila {45+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 16.36 KB / Downloads: 481)
(03-23-2015, 12:50 AM)Garuh Wrote:
Port Hope

[Image: latest?cb=20140823213830&path-prefix=en]

Level (Recomended)

Skills (Recomended)

This script is to make the Carphilia Task, the laboratory is so dangerous, for that danger try to have good set, skills & 45+, the task can make in 10 hours max. the script go to the cave, report the mission & kill the boss.

How it's going with ice golem script Wink ? Your scripts are awesome. Thanks man Wink
(03-23-2015, 09:07 AM)Noboody Wrote: THANKSSS ! Smile

Thanks to you, without that task we can't have a promotion with Grizzily Adams, tomorrow go to try make the crocodile task to make some boss points.

(03-23-2015, 12:05 PM)Shadowly Wrote: How it's going with ice golem script Wink ? Your scripts are awesome. Thanks man Wink

Right know my RP tester is starting the 2th golem task, after that, i go to update the post.
Wyverns Edron scripts is awesome.
Rep +

I wait for yours next script. Wink

[td]Ice Golems[/td]
[td]This script makes the ice golem task, the zone & the monsters are hard, so i recommended use zaoan set, 55+ & use strong potions, the script hunt, refill, check the task, report & kill the boss.[/td]

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] Svargrond - Ice Golems {55+} by Garuh.bbot (Size: 21.95 KB / Downloads: 433)

Svargrond - Ice Golems v2
Fixed wrong variables and makes some danger bugs.
I waiting for scripts 60+ ! Smile i got 67 RP Full set 108/100 skills Big Grin
(03-25-2015, 02:47 PM)Muszkamt Wrote: I waiting for scripts 60+ ! Smile i got 67 RP Full set 108/100 skills Big Grin

I'm making script for RP with task, but tonight im end the script of lancer beetles & wailing windows, but that place sucks for one RP, using bolts to balance the walk for refill in edron, the profit is -15k - 1k/h for just 70~ lancers & 30~ wailing widows...

But if the people wants the script, more later i add to the post.

More night go to make the ancient scarab task and try that place.
(03-25-2015, 02:59 AM)Garuh Wrote: Update!!

Svargrond - Ice Golems v2
Fixed wrong variables and makes some danger bugs.

Gratz man nice work hope u will reach more lvls on rp so you can do scripts for rp 100+

(03-25-2015, 02:59 AM)Garuh Wrote: Update!!

Svargrond - Ice Golems v2
Fixed wrong variables and makes some danger bugs.

Also could you make any script from lvl 8 to 30?
minotaur please?
acient scarab pls (:

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