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[Knight] Kazordoon Deeplings FULL AFK
Where starts the bot? How i need to configure the bps ?
(05-20-2013, 01:12 AM)Setuss Wrote: Where starts the bot? How i need to configure the bps ?

depo kazo need buy ticket 250gpSmile first bp for eye of a deepling, small emerald, flask of rust remover and fish finSmile second bp gold and itemsSmile
hmm mój 31 lvl skile 60/60 dsm zao legi zao helmet mms bron 31 atk i wychodziło na + a mialem 40k na h na antice serv pvp
najgorsze jest wyczyszczenie tego potem to juz z gorkiSmile
z avengerem da rade ? Smile
Works great! REP+
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

Czy 40 knight briight sword , golden armor , zao legi, royal helmet, dragon shield skile 60/60 da rade ?

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