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Free and Paid Scripts By JeshuaStep
Hello to all in the comunity! Im here to bring you pretty nice scripts for you, where you are going to get good profit, and good experience tooSmile, test it, and if you found bugs tell me. I will updating this post with new scripts, so take a look and dont forget, if you download give REP+. You could ask me for a request in pvt!Heart

[Image: jfaydg.jpg]

[td]Rotworms North Thais[/td]
[td]Click here![/td]
[td]Ghouls in Thais[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Tombs in Thais[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Mutated Humans[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Apes in Banuta[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Corym Venore (SouthWest cave)[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Dragons Yalahar (NorthEast cave)[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Corym Venore (NorthWest cave)[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Crystal Spiders in Nibelor[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]

[Image: 1079thx.jpg]

[td][Under Construction][/td]
[td][Under Construction][/td]
[td][Under Construction][/td]
[td][Under Construction][/td]

[Image: 6ro86c.jpg]

[td]Edron Earth Elemental[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Mutated Rats Arena quarter[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Necromancers in Drefia[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Crystal Spiders in Nibelor[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]

[Image: 20f3wpz.jpg]

[td]Edron Earth Elemental[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Mutated Rats Arena quarter[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Necromancers in Drefia[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]
[td]Crystal Spiders in Nibelor[/td]
[td]Click Here[/td]

Make a donation
[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]

For better and perfect scripts Click here

MM = Money Maker
EM = Experience Maker

Contact me:
Facebook: /EquinoxBeat
Twitter: @Alapizco_DBSTP
WhatsApp: 6677480025
Hotmail: [email protected]

Stay Tuned!!
Crystal Spider for EK and ED will be implemented till bbot is stable, Stay tuned!
Any bugs in mutated human?
No bugs, just load it, and if you found one, post it here and i will fix it Smile
CRYSTAL SPIDERS ADDED! ( coming soon for EK)
bro can u do a script for dls farmine on ms?

i would like one for green drag for my druid 80 and other for only dls for my ms 150 plx ill give u reputation
Sure bro but i think not for free, why? because it's difficult to do that, lot of variables and macros that i need to use: /, activate your pvt messages i cant send you one.
(09-09-2013, 06:50 PM)lococompadree Wrote: CAN YOU EDIT SOME SCRIPTS FOR A ROYAL PALLADIN LEVEL 50?????????

Actually i only have MS and EK bro, maybe later Smile
Please dude... Fix the banuta apes script fast... My Double EXP Voucher is gone at 24 sept.. Its 7 days, i need a script there soo i can get alot of exp and profit.. PLEASE!
(09-17-2013, 01:56 PM)Elmgren1337 Wrote: Please dude... Fix the banuta apes script fast... My Double EXP Voucher is gone at 24 sept.. Its 7 days, i need a script there soo i can get alot of exp and profit.. PLEASE!

Well bro im think it take more time, i found on it a little bugs so i need to fix, Stay tuned and check my other scripts.
If you could make script for 80 rp, for example zombies yalahar or something ;D
(09-18-2013, 06:35 PM)Defnly Wrote: If you could make script for 80 rp, for example zombies yalahar or something ;D

Ok, i'll try it Wink, what kind of bolts?
please i need scrip of frost dragon can u help me?
(09-20-2013, 09:07 PM)michelpacheco Wrote: please i need scrip of frost dragon can u help me?

Of Course bro! Help me tooSmile FROST UPDATED
OMG BRO Yours Scrith = Awesome! u are pro Smile Thankz
Great Scripts Smile REp ofc! Smile

I testing now Necros Smile
Stampor added.
Heyo Dude the Crytal Spider script is a Little bit Buggy when he travel to nibelor it he only stand there and says me there is now way.... pls can you fix it? ty
Big Grin
(10-04-2013, 11:11 AM)barrodin Wrote: Heyo Dude the Crytal Spider script is a Little bit Buggy when he travel to nibelor it he only stand there and says me there is now way.... pls can you fix it? ty
Big Grin

here u are, i added also some items to depositer

Attached Files
.bbot   (EK) CrystalSpidersNibelor_JeshuaStep.bbot (Size: 8.79 KB / Downloads: 75)
If i Helped You Click ^

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