12-21-2012, 03:11 PM
Great Launch Promotion!
12-21-2012, 03:11 PM
12-21-2012, 04:43 PM
Funny, but these seven years playing Tibia have happened so fast that I still remember like it was yesterday creating my first character. Since then, I have made many friends, I enjoyed the PvE and PvP as a child. I've played many other MMORPG, but none can compare with the fun that has given me Tibia. I discovered the world of bots after two years I started playing Tibia, and was one of the best discoveries I made. I started (like most people) using the famous TibiaBot (from Lord Of War), but one friend told me about another bot: BBot. At first, I did not trust much for fear of being hacked, but I decided to try and it was the best decision I could make. It was a bot of excellent quality, with many options and very easy to use for people like me who have no idea of scripting or things like this. Since the moment I discovered BBot, I uninstalled my TibiaBot and BBot became my official bot for both tibia rl and otservers. BBot bot is a very easy to use, very complete, with frequent updates and a great assistance in the forums.
12-24-2012, 12:26 AM
I downloaded it 2 years ago cause I needed a bot for an OTServer, first I thought it was a real bad bot, but afterwards I realised how good it was and used it constantly.. I left tibia for 1 year and came back 2 months ago, learned how to create 100% afk scripts and now Im in love with this bot
My friend told me to use that,
i was thinking, it is bad. But it made me happy soon, it's the best bot, under moon. BBot is very good done, can avoid every mass ban. Has great cavebot, killer, lotter, also can speak, with each other. It has all, what im excepting, makes my MS fast-levelling. Using it for a long time, I can feel, this bot is mine. Merry Christmas !
12-24-2012, 12:25 PM
Hello, this is my story, I started history with Bbot when this bot was free i liked him becouse he was simply you had all in options don't need to write many formulas or looking for scripts to got that what u need. He was a little different, more simply i mean he haven't that options like he got today. Later he change for pay bot than i stopped my history with bot. Around 6 months ago i started again i bought bot and just botting on Bbot, I still do that. I do not bot in real tibia, I just use bot to play on OT servers, but i try to make better Bbot. You can ask how? I write on forum about any bug i saw or my suggestions. Bot save me. I don't have to play manual and i got free time. I can study,or just go out of home. I can enjoy my rl life and in this same time get levels and fight in Tibia, That make all I do in tibia is just enjoy part - fight. I don't have to care about leveling myself.
12-24-2012, 08:35 PM
my story is this:
I was one of the first to use BBot in its early versions, when it was free and it was a small project tprogramming, not pay as now, I could put up with my main account, and only used it to train 80/80 because now I'm almost lvl 80 without any kind of programs, but sometimes I want to use BBot, but the methods of payments are not available for my country, I go to alcansar the possibility of obtaining a premium, and again enjoy this great bot.
12-25-2012, 09:57 AM
My story?
![]() when i was use Bbot it was a small bot with outfiter, i rly like this bot, i start use him again on 2010. But for me making scripts are something new. Now i do Best scripts for free example. Bbot help me to make a lot of character after i sold them xDD Now i prepare to help for better Bbot, I added some propositial for new Bbot ![]() ![]()
12-26-2012, 09:43 PM
First time i have used Bbot is when my char was deleted because i have used other bot and my char lvl 190ed was deleted so i wasn't very happy and for about a month and didnt want to waste more time on tibia. But later on when i created new char because of my friend told me to do so also told me about different bot which was Bbot he said its a great and easy to set bot and its also not that expensive so i told him to get me one aswell as i dint know where to find it and set it up, but after he showed me i used this bot for last couple of years and friends use it on 300+levels so I met this bot by my own foult using not the best bot and know i'm back in the game because Bbot was showed to me in good time. So today i am a happy user of Bbot for long time and didnt recieve ban or report because of how it has been made. Thanks for people that created it.
12-29-2012, 05:37 PM
Once upon a time, in a little corner of Brazil, the northeast part, something new had arrived, something cool, young and hip, something unexpected. They were called Lan-houses, a place filled with computers, with something called "broadband" internet connection. By arriving there, you found yourself in a different world. The atmosphere was dark and exotic, the people were cool and geeky, the games were fantastic, playing them online, in a high speed internet connection, felt like the future had arrived. In that not so distant past, a young gamer was introduced to Tibia, a little weird game, with low graphics even for that time. A game created by a group of programmers as a college project, to show their teachers how a massive multiplayer online role playing game could be simple yet addictive. And they succeeded, they graduated. But then, sadly, they had no more use for their little game. A huge base of online players, begged them not to shut it down. After much deliberation, they found a way to keep the game online, and the Premium Account was introduced. Since then, the little college project, became one of the most played MMORPG's in the history. There, in that little weird game, he made friends, more then a few of them were foreigners, from all over the globe. Time went by quickly, and then life came, school was over, college was around the corner, and the little game was forgotten, for many years... He was an adult now, finished college, build up he's own little company, had a beautiful girlfriend, it seemed like everything was perfect... But not for long... Tragedy came, as swift as the blades of the characters he once used to control, he's relationship was over, depression came, sadness and despair. How could he distract himself? Take hes mind off that recent disaster?... Work wasn't helping. New girls? Yes, a few came along, but none was like the one he loved. When everything looked like it was never going to get better... He went visit a friend, an old friend, the kind you can count on in any occasion. After telling him everything that had happened, he heard lots of comforting words from his friends, it wasn't making much difference, he had heard those same words many times from family and friends for a long time by now. Suddenly, he glanced at his friends computer, something old and at the same time new was happening, an old game was opened, he recognized Tibia at once. But how come the character is playing by itself? he asked. Don't you know about the Bbot Mega? his friend replied. After listening to hours of explanations from his friend, a light at the end of the tunnel appeared. He had thought about playing some game to easy his mind, but how? He has obligations now, he can't spend hours and hours minding a game character. But now it's possible. He thought. I could play my old loved game, without sacrificing work. And so he did. learned everything he could about that marvelous little piece of software and dived back into the world of Tibia. A few months went by, he was cured, all that weight was lifted from his shoulders. He doesn't think about her anymore. In fact, hes with someone new now. Someone wonderful and deserving of him.
All that, thanks to a little program called Bbot Mega. Thank you Mega.
01-02-2013, 03:19 AM
Were my tale with wonderous world of Zathroth's creation to be told by a truly artful literature-spawning specimen, he would call myself an old school Tibia player by todays' means. I started in 2005, 7.5 version. Dark ages of the internet, sane person could even lose his senses, if he was to be aware of dangers lurking in every dark, fuggy corner. Difficulty the game provided these days was to be challenged by myriads of coarse, insipid and infantile outgrowths, more experienced roamers of the land surely remember those dark dungeons, where the torch was the only hope of even dreaming about survival, evil masterminds luring dangerous cunning monsters to the very edges of every single town, or even madnessstruck, bloodthirsty, savage, troublemakers, willing to kill every decent citizen on sight for the sole sake of their unfulfilled joy. As the years went by I decided to put my adventure to a closure, no later than update 8.0 struck the servers, crumbling the sole pillars that this wonderous, brillant game stood on. Tibia seemed to fail short in providing it's most beautiful trait - the difficulty, But make no assumptions, neither did I omit the pile of poop the communae turned into. Then earlier this year, spontaneously decided I to give the game another chance, and it didn't disappoint me. The one to fulfill my thrilling inner desires, was no one than courageous Elite Knight, living in constant dangers of pvp world called Titania. Sadly he was "hacked" in the middle of the march, by the most bastardly scum "igor maozao", who included a rootkit in his shitty bot. No sooner decided I to look for a better, and more secure solution. So here I am! BBOT was the one to never disappoint me. It's lightning quick, cheap as dirt, unexpectedly easy to use, but oh my, isn't it powerful? That's what it is, full of paradoxes, just like yin and yang, sewing our lives, Tibia lives together with a delicate thread of brillance, usefulness, and reliabillity. Months of evading Cipsoft's sophisticated bot detection system, with full and adequate to bot's qualities success! With the help of this swiss knife like universal tool, was I able to reach tremendous character level, standing tall now at 164! BBOT is my sole answer to the bunch of whiners, not satisfacted with qualities of their inferior products, or the inconvenience of playing manually! Look no further! It's the best, what botting scene has to offer!
With utmost regards. Yours trully.
01-03-2013, 07:42 AM
There was me... Looking my character on BBot, when my grandmother asked:
- What is this? And I said: - It's a software that make your computer play alone and she asked: -That's impossible, are you watching porn, aren't you? I answered: - Of Course not grandma! She insisted: - So, tell me, what is this? I, angry said: - IT'S A COFFEE MACHINE, GRANDMA. Now, she always ask me for coffee...
01-04-2013, 06:19 PM
I chose bbot the practicality of purchase because the person can buy directly from the phone, and he helped me a lot because he earned from or competitive outdated and was never banned and never helped me on several hunts with their systems of healing, and possibility of yourself create your own script in an easy way, because he explained in a way that a 5 year old boy could understand why I used the bbot, stopped only because I was without internet then left tibia of my life during a period , but now I'll surely come back and return to using the bbot the best bot that exists today, with an optimal security and convenience. Thank you and thank you for existing bbot MegaNo0body for creating it. And forgive the mistakes of English. Guilty is the google translator, since I'm horrible in english, I'm brazilian XD.
01-09-2013, 11:03 AM
I heard about this bot trough another forum, it was free and i think it was better than NG
![]() ![]() ![]()
I First came in contact with BBot when i was lvling manually like a noob xD, i had a friend in tibia that told me to use BBot to lvl instead of lvling manually, so i check Bbot up on the site and found it very impressiv xD. 5 days later i bought and used it very much botted my knight from 56 stamina to 14 stamina
![]() but BBot is very good i didn't die since i had healing on. But ibot is very good at looting and botting i always go profit when botting with my knight I Find the forums and the Bbot comunity very helpful always alot of scripts and very helpful members Also BBot is very easy to Buy, you can buy it with your phone and i have never gotten ban for using BBot. It is also very cheap so i prefer to use it over all other bots i enjoy it very much and hope that BBot will continue to be so great
01-13-2013, 01:06 PM
My beginning of bbot when he was free some 4-5 years ago, now the paid version introduced a lot has changed for the better,
but I hope that we still will not change for the better. Playing without bbota does not make sense ... : D Greetings from Polish
01-17-2013, 04:27 AM
Hello , i'm new here, and no more than wanted to introduce myself.
I hope i last will and testament recover fresh info here, congregate hip friends and new concern contacts. Regards waterproofing atlanta
01-21-2013, 09:58 PM
I greet, my adventure with BBot, familiar which who have adviced me be decision good purchased BBOT. Really, I am satisfied for attendance service activity be simple easy. I advice for shopping BBOT. Such good snow-shoe for such small money. Everything it is possible in these times. This snow-shoe shows , that it is not necessary to buy expensive programs as mum have BBOT. I salute warm words from user bbot; )
Not enough little because I say slightly in english, but with about this snow-shoe whole truth. ![]()
01-21-2013, 11:20 PM
When I first started playing Tibia I was 9 years old, that was 10 years ago. Everything felt so fun and awesome back in the days, now when I am older Tibia Isn't the same thing, but with BBot it full fills everything c:
No, This bot is the best I've ever had it's easy, fast and really fun. I will always remember this bot for sure. ![]()
01-29-2013, 12:49 PM
To tell the true i bought Bbot because whose the cheapest i don't have much money to spent playing, but it surprised me, super easy to use and works great, after an update in two days it is working fine, it's wonderfull. It helped me in manyways, first time to reach level 100, the top without bot whose 70 with a lot of time spent, and with bot i play one hour and exp for five. Now we can reach level 40 in trhee days and really have fun playing, without care if it dies for a amazon, a thing that in the past would be cryied for a big time. Bbot are always improving and because that i became a fan, thanks for help us to have more fun in tibia Bbot and staff.
01-29-2013, 05:15 PM
My adventure began with the Bbot when the NeoBot disappeared, was a period when no one had a bot.
Immediately after the disappearance of the most famous bot, my friend showed and offered the use a Bbot. I trusted him, i started to use this bot, i immediately liked this. I gained a lot of thanks to him at a time when no one had a bot, since then I got used to it. Which helps me prince of license Bbot, because in my case is that I have so little money. I can say that for me bbot is cheap and good!!! |
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