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BBot 9.5
when will you give free days ??
Dear Bbmega, the bbot fails when you modified the script at load, if you only put script and no touch nothing its work fine, but if you active or desactive cavebot, change loot,killer, or other fuctions, crushed .

Other bugs is avoid waves, this fuction still failing.

thanks for your work Tongue now you are in the way to repair all Tongue

PD: when you try to create new script, its crashed too .. :/
Can't load script

Error loading setting #452@chkAvoidKS&=0
am... I am just botting right now Tongue
everything is fine but BBot just stops sometimes when he should use macro like MoveW.
We will see in 30 minutes if smth happen. True saying I'm afraid to let bot playing alone now, when everyone is speaking about bugs Big Grin
ERROR.... BBOT not following waypoints and not attacking....
Mtx error (E20:0)
bot is working fine for me 2h 30 min+ found no1 bug
Apr 10 2013, 15:13:31 CEST Died at Level 107 by a corym vanguard.

Thanks bbmega ..

Email this file contents to [email protected]
Access violation at address 00614D08 in module 'BMega.exe'. Read of address CB67CBDC
Version 9.5
BProfiler I,C,L,A,M,T
BI#001 01165 0,000001 0,000001 0,000006 0,000996
BI#002 06189 0,000001 0,000001 0,001126 0,004264
BI#003 01513 0,000043 0,000044 0,053588 0,576859
BI#004 06218 0,000001 0,000001 0,000066 0,002715
BI#005 01519 0,000000 0,000000 0,000004 0,000592
BI#006 01516 0,000021 0,000015 0,042878 0,150173
BI#007 00020 0,000053 0,000055 0,043744 0,087165
BI#008 00070 0,000000 0,000000 0,000001 0,000028
BI#009 06190 0,000001 0,000001 0,000039 0,003883
BI#010 01272 0,000000 0,000000 0,000002 0,000683
BI#011 00099 0,000011 0,000010 0,000161 0,001319
BI#012 03048 0,000000 0,000000 0,000059 0,001379
BI#013 01102 0,000000 0,000000 0,000001 0,000453
BI#014 00779 0,000001 0,000001 0,000002 0,000671
BI#015 00580 0,000000 0,000000 0,000005 0,000276
BI#016 06190 0,000000 0,000000 0,000118 0,003313
BI#016 02016 0,000000 0,000000 0,000016 0,000983
BI#018 01512 0,000000 0,000000 0,000013 0,000634
BI#019 00021 0,000000 0,000000 0,000001 0,000008
BI#020 00623 0,000001 0,000001 0,000004 0,000308
BI#021 01864 0,000001 0,000001 0,000020 0,001400
BI#022 03043 0,000003 0,000003 0,138171 1,893614
BI#023 02708 0,000001 0,000001 0,055146 0,563299
BI#024 01280 0,000000 0,000001 0,000140 0,000944
BI#025 04080 0,000000 0,000001 0,000670 0,005869
BI#026 04910 0,000003 0,000003 0,007266 0,020477
BI#027 06198 0,000000 0,000000 0,000194 0,002876
BI#028 00122 0,000000 0,000000 0,000001 0,000048
BI#029 02016 0,000001 0,000001 0,001177 0,002164
BI#030 02011 0,000000 0,000000 0,000001 0,001091
BI#031 02431 0,000068 0,000297 0,133000 5,545357
BI#032 01155 0,000001 0,000001 0,000003 0,000621
BI#033 06194 0,000001 0,000001 0,000052 0,004124
BI#034 06183 0,000000 0,000000 0,000501 0,003322
BI#035 01262 0,000000 0,000001 0,000010 0,000875
BI#036 02016 0,000511 0,000535 0,045686 1,075307
BI#038 16143 0,000003 0,000003 0,851495 29,437836
BR#038 16144 0,000008 0,000031 2,316376 64,577431
BI#039 00344 0,000050 0,000049 0,000066 0,010085
BI#040 00083 0,000000 0,000000 0,000001 0,000032
BI#041 01160 0,000000 0,000000 0,089607 0,709951
BI#043 10154 0,000000 0,000000 0,029679 0,288649
BI#044 10333 0,000000 0,000020 1,968302 74,168640
BI#042 10145 0,000000 0,000000 0,451389 23,534983
BI#045 01164 0,000001 0,000001 0,000217 0,001002
BI#909 17218 0,001538 0,001289 0,514835 28,443819
BI#908 17218 0,000004 0,000003 0,008404 0,094449
BR#907 17218 0,000026 0,000054 4,123563 203,055115
BI#906 17217 0,000000 0,000001 0,003554 0,019633
Vou postar em PT pq sou péssimo em inglês e acho que assim fica mais esclarecedor:

Aqui da error quando vou dar load nos scripts. Porém se eu abro o tibia, em seguida abro o bbot e faço login, depois logo no tibia e uso um script baixado pelo "download scripts" funciona normalmente. Testei durante horas e ta tudo certo.

Agora tem esse "error loading" aí que é o que acontece com a maioria ao abrir o script (acontece comigo também), ele até carrega tudo, porém se tu for ativar qualquer função da um novo error, que é esse "MTX 20"

Espero ter ajudado de alguma forma... Abraço!
Avoid waves doesnt work,also avoid ks.
Bbmega msg me whe bbot works stable, for while wasting premium time ...
My bot can work 2-3 minutes and STOP! ...
(04-10-2013, 01:38 PM)Lee912 Wrote: My bot can work 2-3 minutes and STOP! ...

yes! My bot work 2 minutes and stop. Fix It please
Normal open my bot only to run script when I put him to suddenly.
Check mi thread for scripts!Smile

I helped you? + REP Cool
Just wrote this in the [HELP BMEGA THREAD]
Helping MegaNobody

"* The bot stops at some squares
* The "avoid waves" function does not work
* Sometimes the bot runs backwards
* The protector alarm goes of when someone makes a spell, for example "utani hur" or "exura ico"

Kind regards Oscar
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
and ledders sometime dont work
When I load the script, the bot doesn't want to walk, doesn't want to attack, doesn't want to loot.
I can't do nothing -,-

1 "+"
Bot is not going down (crash)
RP Mutated Humans 35 lvl Depositer, Refiler, Bankier

EK Darc Cathedral 40 lvl Depositer, Bankier
(04-10-2013, 08:11 AM)Regru Wrote: "Login email and password save" wtf?

The BBot was not saving right your BBot login and password on the Login screen.
when will be good working BBOT??
Apr 10 2013, 16:28:24 CEST Died at Level 89 by a terror bird.
Apr 09 2013, 14:47:23 CEST Died at Level 89 by a corym charlatan.

Please Mega... Fix Bbot... (Targetting, Killer, Wpts...)

Mega, There are many problems as many people have addressed, The main problem is the bot crashing, I understand this is a big problem, I myself have died and lost a lot of exp, nevertheless we will still wait. I think that the crashing is the main problem.

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